It's Monday morning, I'm sitting at the computer drinking my coffee and all I can think is "I hate burpees."
In an effort to get more tone and build strength, I'm participating in a
100 day Burpee Challenge. Today is day 6. It was not pretty, at all. But, I am so so so sooo close to my 60lb weight loss goal, I can taste it. And so I will try to get through all 100 days in an effort to get to my goal before my birthday in June.
And that's my life right now. I'm with the kids all day, and I work as a server at nights, and I squeeze in my workouts whenever I can.
I'm on call for two clients right now and I'm really excited to be at their births.
The girls are doing great in school, The Tadpole is being his usual sweet and destructive self.
Things are....happy.
I have my interview for nursing school in a couple of weeks. This program will make me an LPN in 10 months. Then a year after I graduate, I can take the exam to be an IBCLC and open a private practice. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about that. Knowing that after over 7 years of staying home with my kids, I will actually have my own thing. A career. Like most adults do.
I LOVE my children with all my heart. I love AP parenting. I don't regret staying home with them at all. But...they're getting older. Even The Tadpole doesn't need me nearly as much as he used to. I will still be there, with them, the majority of the time...but it will be nice to get out of the house and have something on my own to do, that I actually get official recognition for.
I definitely feel like I'm going through a transition. I'm still a breastfeeding mother, but I am done having children. When The Tadpole decides to wean...that's it. So I'm trying to decide what I will eventually do with this blog. These days it's hard to keep up with updating it. For now, I will keep posting about our lives...but don't be surprised if the topics of focus aren't the same as they used to be.
For the first time ever, I feel like I am growing up. Does that make sense?

Monday Rambling